Hey everyone!
Welcome to my new website. It’s still under construction and needs some polish and a couple of features, but it’s presentable. It’s at least a lot better than my old website, which I made almost two years ago and never really felt right to me.
For this new website, I had a few requirements:
- Hosted on Github
- Blogging system
- Easy to add content
- Not made from scratch
Clearly, Jekyll is the perfect fit for these requirements. It’s a static blog site generator that has tight Github integration, and it has a lot of support and existing themes to use. I should’ve had another requirement: not a huge pain to customize, but I’ll write another post about that later…
Anyway, I found this nice minimalistic theme and heavily customized it to have a desaturated colorful look. Maybe customized too much, but I couldn’t resist.
So go ahead and check out my posts and projects and feel free to give me some feedback on twitter @foolmoron or any social platform using the icons at the top of the page!